Web3 and the future of the Internet: opportunities and challenges for the financial world (Part II)

Where we looked at blockchain technology as the foundation of Web3 in the first part of this series of articles, in this blog post Roger Heines looks at other important elements of the Web3 concept such as the token economy, DApps, DeFi and SSI as well as the opportunities and challenges of Web3 for the financial services industry.

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Web3 and the future of the Internet: opportunities and challenges for the financial world (Part I)

The internet has developed rapidly since its creation in the 1960s. From the purely static Web 1.0 to the dynamic Web 2.0 to the emerging decentralized Web3. But what exactly does Web3 mean and what role does this next stage in the evolution of the Internet play? For the financial sector, this could have far-reaching implications and at the same time offer immense opportunities. This blog post describes the evolution of the internet and the technology behind Web3.

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